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September Newsletter

September 11th, 2017

Posted 7 years ago on September 11th, 2017

Hello! I didn’t do Edinburgh this year so “I” hope none of you turned up to Stand One at 11am every day in Edinburgh assuming I’d be there again in my usual slot and had to watch a man comedian doing a show about penises, testicles, Adams apples and DIY for an hour. I’m back […]

New Live Dates

August 20th, 2017

Posted 7 years ago on August 20th, 2017

Dear everyone This isn’t a proper newsletter. Instead, it’s just a quick note to let you know that a few new live shows have recently gone on sale. There are a couple of one-offs & a benefit at the Union Chapel, and all the others are work-in-progress, low key shows across a series of intimate […]

Radio Recordings Postponed!

June 22nd, 2017

Posted 7 years ago on June 22nd, 2017

Hello you lot! I’m really sorry, but by mutual agreement, my radio 4 recordings are being re-scheduled to January due to various issues involving timing, scheduling, and current political events. Don’t worry I’m not ill or anything. Although I have got a repulsive insect bite on my leg that looks disgusting. Anyway, everyone who has […]

May 2017 News

May 6th, 2017

Posted 7 years ago on May 6th, 2017

Good day to you!!! Sorry I haven’t written a newsletter for a while, I’ve been busy building my nuclear bunker. I know you’re all busy doing the same, so I’ll keep this a really short one. Non-work related news My roses have come out in the garden. They are glorious. I’m still growing my fringe […]

January 2017 News

January 18th, 2017

Posted 8 years ago on January 18th, 2017

HAPPY 2017 SUBSCRIBERS! Sorry it’s been so long. I’ve not really felt like talking lately. I’ve been a bit busy – rocking back and forth in the airing cupboard muttering, sucking on a comfort blanket, and trying not to think about Trump’s sentence structure when he talked about Afghanistan during his Times interview, Brexit and […]

September newsletter

September 9th, 2016

Posted 8 years ago on September 9th, 2016

GREETINGS! NON-WORK RELATED HYPOCRISY The other day, as I walked from Great Portland Street to Oxford Circus tube, I nipped in through Miss Selfridge and Top Shop as a sort of short cut that isn’t really a short cut, to look at too expensive bags and too expensive sunglasses, when a very small man with […]

End Of July Mini-news – Edinburgh Fringe

July 28th, 2016

Posted 8 years ago on July 28th, 2016

Dear everyone, This is just a quick newsletter to remind you all / plug the fact that I will be back in Edinburgh again as of this time next week. The show starts on the 5th August and half the dates are now sold out already, The Stand tell me the rest are close to […]

July Newsletter

July 9th, 2016

Posted 8 years ago on July 9th, 2016

Hello !!! Goodness me!! Hasn’t a lot been going on? ! I’ve not really said anything about it all as I’m not entirely sure any of it was real. Whether it is or it isn’t, the one thing we do know is this.The EU referendum has exposed a divided nation not seen since the white […]

Reminder for DVD Recording

May 16th, 2016

Posted 8 years ago on May 16th, 2016

Dear everyone, Just a quick reminder that NEXT TUESDAY 24th MAY I’ll be recording my first DVD at Hoxton Hall, London. There’s a handful of tickets left, FREE, available via If you use the codeword CODE you should get priority as a member of my mailing list / reader of my website / this […]


May 4th, 2016

Posted 8 years ago on May 4th, 2016

Hello Earthlings PERSONAL ANECDOTE Yesterday I realised that I’ve been combining the two very different stories of Puss in Boots and Dick Whittington together, for years.  My children, who are much younger than me, and who are cats, were completely flabbergasted and wouldn’t stop going on about it.  I defended myself by saying, “So?  At […]