Latest News


September 15th, 2020

Posted 4 years ago on September 15th, 2020

OOoer Plinky Plonks Covid Life I got up today and cleaned the house. There was a lot of dust everywhere. I had a sandwich for lunch and a curry that I made yesterday for tea. Chopping up coriander stems takes quite a long time but it smells nice so all good. I was quite thirsty […]

Another Actual Gig This Week

September 5th, 2020

Posted 4 years ago on September 5th, 2020

Yoohoo!!! Two things: One. If I take the washing out of the machine as soon as the cycle finishes my washing smells lovely, but if I leave it, even for just 5 minutes, it smells horrible. Two. PLEASE COME TO THIS SHIT HOT GIG! It’s outside and Jess Fostekew and Kiri Pritchard McLean who are […]

An Actual Live Gig!!!

August 11th, 2020

Posted 4 years ago on August 11th, 2020

Helloooo Just a quick gig update ! I’ll be doing my first live gig since March in Brighton in September. It’s outdoors and all properly distanced and is going to be brilliant fun. Book early as I think it’s limited availability. There’s 2 shows – one at 6.30pm, and another at 8.30pm. On 2nd September […]


May 4th, 2020

Posted 4 years ago on May 4th, 2020

Dear Lockdowned… I hope you are all safe and well and coping Right! ON WITH ALL MY EXCITING NEWS! I went round the house with a feather duster yesterday, going over the tops of picture frames and the TV and stuff. So that was fun. I did other things as well, but I’ll save those […]


February 27th, 2020

Posted 4 years ago on February 27th, 2020

Helloooo !! It’s me!!!!!! HALF-TERM HOLIDAY NEWS! I went down the rapids in Centerparcs last week and cut my knuckle a bit. It’s not a massive cut, it looks more like a tiny bite, but it’s perfectly placed which means I can say things like, “You should see the other guy” and things like that […]

Work In Progresses

January 30th, 2020

Posted 4 years ago on January 30th, 2020

Dear folks, This is very short. I know you hate it when I write more than a couple of sentences. Got a few work in progresses this week. They’re going to be so much fun I can’t even tell you. There’s only a few tickets available for the Soho shows but I’ve put a sneaky […]

Just a tiny newsletter.

December 30th, 2019

Posted 5 years ago on December 30th, 2019

Hello! Just a tiny newsletter. Radio All the BBC Radio 4 Museum of Curiosities including the Christmas special should be up on the iplayer now. Look, here they are. They were loads of fun. Unfortunately you can only curate one series so that’s it for me. But I’ll be doing something new next year. I’ll […]


October 31st, 2019

Posted 5 years ago on October 31st, 2019

Hellooooo Just a short one today as I know some of you don’t like it when my “monthly” newsletters are too long or just graphic details about my period. Radio It was a huge privilege to curate the current series of Radio 4’s Museum of curiosity with John Lloyd. It was genuinely one of the […]

May News

May 9th, 2019

Posted 5 years ago on May 9th, 2019

Hello everyone, Thanks to all of you that came to the work in progressess shows at the Machynlleth Festival over the weekend, I have a couple more work in progressesses coming up in London soon, all dates on the gigs page. But I’m also writing to let you know that I’m the new curator for […]


January 14th, 2019

Posted 6 years ago on January 14th, 2019

Hello everyone This is very short because ONE of you said my newsletters were too long, which I found deeply offensive. 2019 Happy New Year! BREXIT Apparently there is a vote about something happening tomorrow. I don’t know what it is though, because none of the newspapers or news channels have mentioned it. I say […]