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Tiny Newsletter

July 24th, 2023

Posted 1 year ago on July 24th, 2023

Hello All good here. I’m covered in bites which is very unusual for me. I never normally get bitten at all, but my legs are covered. Anyone else ??? Vego chocolate is very nice. They don’t know I’ve said this. NOW DOWN TO BUSINESS THE CHANGE CHANNEL 4 I am completely overwhelmed by the reaction […]

The Change! Starts tomorrow (21st June)

June 20th, 2023

Posted 1 year ago on June 20th, 2023

Hey everyone! JUST A QUICKIE NEWSLETTER I’ve got a little bit of body odour today. Also my cats keep sneezing and the kitchen sink is blocked. TV Now then! My labour of love THE CHANGE goes out tomorrow on THE SOLSTICE on channel 4 at 10pm! I am the most excited I’ve ever been about […]

Dear Bridget Christie Fans!

March 3rd, 2023

Posted 1 year ago on March 3rd, 2023

Nippy isn’t it? Ooooooo! Got me winter coat on inside! Thanks so much for not unsubscribing to my newsletter. Lots of comedians send them out once a month but I prefer the element of surprise approach. How pleased are you to hear from me? See? If I sent one out regularly every month you’d see […]

Another Tiny Newsletter

June 17th, 2022

Posted 2 years ago on June 17th, 2022

Hello! A quick one because the cats have brought a mouse in again. It’s the final Taskmaster last night but don’t worry, if you missed it, you can see it on the old catch up. AND you will be able to see me at one of the following dates! 4th March 2023 – City Varieties, […]

Tiny Bulletin

April 19th, 2022

Posted 2 years ago on April 19th, 2022

Only two things today! TASKMASTER – C4 9pm Thursday. I’m on this and it’s on for ages. If you missed last week’s ep it should be on the old catch up. LEICESTER SQUARE THEATRE – WHO AM I? 26-30 APR These are my last shows until next year now as I’m busy with THE CHANGE […]

Brunch, Taskmaster & The Change

April 8th, 2022

Posted 2 years ago on April 8th, 2022

Hello! Does anyone still get these newsletters? It seems really old fashioned doesn’t it? But not good old fashioned, like sending a pigeon round to all your houses. Anyway if you are still subscribing, there’s a couple of things coming up. Sunday Brunch (10 April) I can’t wait to do this. I hope I get […]

Hello Newsletter!

March 4th, 2022

Posted 2 years ago on March 4th, 2022

Dear Subscribers to my newsletter, It’s been a while hasn’t it? Thanks for still subscribing! I was still fertile the last time I sent one out I think. Anyway let me tell you what’s just happened. I was typing this out on a table in my living room when I heard this really weird noise […]


September 1st, 2021

Posted 3 years ago on September 1st, 2021

Helloooo !! It’s me!!!!!! NEWS Michael Gove has been filmed dancing in an Aberdeen nightclub. I watched the video. It’s fascinating. It’s not really dancing as such, in the traditional sense. He tends to just move up and down, then pushes his hands up in the air. It’s all very rigid. But it’s still better […]


April 13th, 2021

Posted 3 years ago on April 13th, 2021

Hello you lot! My new radio series starts tonight! It’s about being mortal so unless you’re Doctor Who or a particular sea anemone that doesn’t ever die (I know) then this is deffo the show for you! I hope you love it but if you don’t you can just go away and keep your fucking […]


October 12th, 2020

Posted 4 years ago on October 12th, 2020

Cooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! My washing machine has been really smelly lately. So smelly, in fact, that unless I took the washing out of the drum AS SOON AS THE CYCLE FINISHED, all my washing would smell horrid, like old shoes and farts and things like that, and I’d have to spray it all hairspray and stuff. So […]