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NEWS – 10th January 2014

January 10th, 2014

Posted 11 years ago on January 10th, 2014

Dear Elves I didn’t do a newsletter in December because I didn’t have anything to say, even on a very basic level. A BIC FOR HER MARCH 11-19 Thanks ever so much for coming. The extended run sold out as well, so they’ve put another week on in March. I hope this last week sells […]

25th November 2013

November 25th, 2013

Posted 11 years ago on November 25th, 2013

Dear (insert name here) A BIC FOR HER – SOHO THEATRE til 7th DECEMBER then 6th-25th JANUARY Most nights have been very jolly which is a relief. I haven’t had anyone shouting in my face or wandering into the room by mistake so far, which is a shame because often those things can spice things […]

22nd October 2013

October 22nd, 2013

Posted 11 years ago on October 22nd, 2013

Dear Subscribers I am late with October’s newsletter. Sorry about that. The reason for this lateness is that I have left it quite late in the month to do it. A BIC FOR HER – SOHO THEATRE Well would you believe it? After years of performing mainly to my technician and agent, the Soho run […]

NEWS – 8th September 2013

September 8th, 2013

Posted 11 years ago on September 8th, 2013

Bonjour Oeufheads I said you wouldn’t hear from me during August and you didn’t did you? EDINBURGH – A BIC FOR HER The Glasgow Fringe Festival went well thanks for asking. People came to the show and I didn’t make a financial loss. Also, I lived above a supermarket, so I could get supplies like […]

Latest News – 18th July 2013

July 18th, 2013

Posted 11 years ago on July 18th, 2013

DEAR Lumps of Meat, Bone and Water (that is mainly what we are) This will be the last newsletter until September because I am going to Edinburgh for the whole of August to perform in the Glasgow Festival, and I’m not sure if Edinburgh has the internet or not. Previews Some of you decided to […]

Latest News – June 28th 2013

June 28th, 2013

Posted 11 years ago on June 28th, 2013

Dear Homo sapiens sapiens (yes, both of you) RADIO 4 I am on Loose Ends tomorrow (Saturday 29th). It was extremely jolly. In fact, it was so jolly that the producer told us all to stop banging the tables. The other people banging on the table were Clive Anderson (who also ruffled papers), Reece Shearsmith, […]

Latest News – 13th June 2013

June 13th, 2013

Posted 11 years ago on June 13th, 2013

DEAR FANUBLES EDINBURGH I am up to my eyeballs in Edinburgh previews. I’ve done a couple but have loads more.  Why don’t you come along? I’m going to be at all of them, I think. I did think about leaving my script on a table at one of them, with instructions for one of you […]

MID MAY NEWS – 17th May 2013

May 17th, 2013

Posted 11 years ago on May 17th, 2013

Hello Idiots Cold isn’t it? I’ve had to put the removable lining back into my waterproof jacket. So, work things. GIGS/PREVIEWS From now until August, I will be trying to work out my new Edinburgh show by doing previews. Please try and come to some of these as previews are much better than finished shows. […]

Latest News… 26th April 2013

April 26th, 2013

Posted 11 years ago on April 26th, 2013

DEAR HOT FACES Here are some more work things for you to be delighted/annoyed by, depending on your level of commitment to me. GIGS 3/4 MAY MACHYNLLETH – I am doing War Donkey and a shabby preview of A Bic for Her. Please come to both, there will be different material in each show. If […]

NEWS – 17th April 2013

April 17th, 2013

Posted 11 years ago on April 17th, 2013

DEAR HAND HELD PORTABLE FANS Did you see The Queen telling off The Duke at Thatcher’s funeral? I wonder what he said/did? I think he made a smell. When a wife looks at her husband like that in public, let alone at Margaret Thatcher’s funeral, it is normally about a smell.. Oh yes, thanks for […]