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Bridget Christie’s Newsletter

October 1st, 2018

Posted 6 years ago on October 1st, 2018

Hello everyone Thankyou to everyone that’s been coming to the tour of What Now? throughout the year… This is just a quick note to remind you that the tour’s nearly over, and we’re now into the last few London dates and a few more around the country. Once these shows are finished, I’m not going […]


September 5th, 2018

Posted 6 years ago on September 5th, 2018

Helloooo !! WATER-BASED HOLIDAY NEWS I went down a water slide in Crete and got a stitch on the way down, then later on I was messing about in the sea and got knocked over by a massive wave and smashed my knee into loads of rocks. It was a bit cut and bruised but […]


July 4th, 2018

Posted 6 years ago on July 4th, 2018

Hello everyone. I am absolutely overjoyed to have been given my first TV break at the age of 46. It’s called The Bridget Christie Television Programme, which took me ages to come up with, and it’s a half hour pilot for Channel 4. I decided to film the stand-up sections of the show in the […]

June News – Oxford & Wilson Dixon

June 13th, 2018

Posted 6 years ago on June 13th, 2018

Dear everyone, This is a quick message to just to make sure you know there are definitely tickets to the Oxford show available in case you were wondering they’d all gone. Here’s the info incase you’re in Oxford and wanted to come! Friday 29th – WHAT NOW? – Playhouse, OXFORD – 7.30pm – 01865 305305 […]

Brighton on Friday!

May 14th, 2018

Posted 6 years ago on May 14th, 2018

Thrilled beyond belief to have the legendary comedic tour de force and all round brilliant human Jessica Fostekew open the Brighton show for me. COME ON BRIGHTON ! STILL A FEW TIX LEFT (here). And remember! I will be doing the entire show NAKED and UPSIDE DOWN. You won’t want to miss THAT will you?

May Newsletter

May 1st, 2018

Posted 6 years ago on May 1st, 2018

Helloooo!! My orange cat has outwitted the cat flap. He has worked out how to get out when it’s set to “entry only” by using his left paw to push the button down whilst simultaneously getting his right claws underneath the flap and then pulling it towards himself. Does anyone know if orange cats are […]

Little Newsletter – 28th March 2018

March 28th, 2018

Posted 6 years ago on March 28th, 2018

Hello Everyone, This is just a quick email to say thanks for coming to Glasgow & Liverpool & kicking off the tour for WHAT NOW? If you scroll down this email, you’ll see the rest of the dates currently booked in. On top of the tour shows, I’m also doing; 25th April – Josie & […]

Mini Newsletter

February 2nd, 2018

Posted 6 years ago on February 2nd, 2018

Hello! Just wanted to say a huge thanks to everyone who came to the radio recordings. You were awesome.You can hear yourselves shouting out insults, yawning loudly and huffing and puffing from next Weds on Radio 4 at 6.30pm or on the iplayer at your leisure. You should be able to find it here’ve […]

Radio Recordings & Tour Dates

December 14th, 2017

Posted 7 years ago on December 14th, 2017

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas everyone! Wow. What a year. Highlights for me are getting 3 kittens, whooping cough, early osteoarthritis in both hips and a weird interstellar object ending up in our solar system. I don’t normally want anything for Christmas but this year I’ve asked Santa for aliens, a hip replacement, Trump’s impeachment […]

December News

December 6th, 2017

Posted 7 years ago on December 6th, 2017

Dear everyone, Sorry that this isn’t a proper newsletter again, instead it’s a little note to let you all know of some Work In Progress shows I’ve got booked in to work up new material for my next touring show & rescheduled radio show, both coming in the new year. I’ll write properly to tell […]