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TELLY (Have I Got News For You) TONIGHT (12th April…)

April 12th, 2013

Posted 11 years ago on April 12th, 2013

DEAR THATCHER’S CHILDREN I am on Have I Got News for You tonight with Brian Blessed and Ken Livingstone. You can watch it if you like. I hope they ask me back – there was a bowl of real fruit and some chocolate in my dressing room. What I didn’t eat, I put in my […]

Last Radio Ep Tonight – 28th March

March 28th, 2013

Posted 11 years ago on March 28th, 2013

DEAR IDIOTS It’s the last episode of my R4 series Bridget Christie Minds the Gap tonight! 11pm. Listen here – This one’s about “funny women” and whether there are any or not. I hope you’ve liked the series, because I’ve had lots of death threats about it. I do wish my husband wouldn’t take […]

8th March 2013

March 8th, 2013

Posted 11 years ago on March 8th, 2013

DEAR URCHINS. My voice was on the wireless last night, in my new radio show, Bridget Christie Minds the Gap. If you missed it, because it was on quite late, or because you hate women, you can listen again here. There’s also this great feature in the Telegraph by Katy Brand about the show. If […]

Radio Show News & More – 4th March 2013

March 4th, 2013

Posted 11 years ago on March 4th, 2013

DEAR COMRADES RADIO Bridget Christie Minds the Gap – My brand new Radio 4 series ALL about feminism starts this week! Thursday 7th March at 11pm. I like to imagine that couples will listen to it in bed and then split up over something I’ve said. Not really. I hope I bring people together, if […]

Latest News – 20th February – MINDS THE GAP Read-throughs & recordings…

February 20th, 2013

Posted 11 years ago on February 20th, 2013

Hi everyone, This is just a quicky to remind you / let you know that there’s more read-throughs and recordings of the remaining two episodes of my radio show “Bridget Christie Minds The Gap” coming up. There’ll be one more read through at The Hen & Chickens, St. Paul’s Road, Islington next Wednesday (27th Feb) […]

Radio Show Read Through – this Sunday

February 1st, 2013

Posted 11 years ago on February 1st, 2013

Radio Show Run-Through / Try Outs Hi all, this is just a litte reminder that I’m doing a read through for the first couple of episodes of my radio show, “Minds The Gap” at The Hen & Chickens Theatre, Islington, London this Sunday. That’s Sunday 3rd Feb – at 9.30pm Here’s all the blurb; BRIDGET […]

Latest News – 22nd January 2013

January 22nd, 2013

Posted 12 years ago on January 22nd, 2013

Dear comrades. RADIO SHOW Tickets are now available on the BBC website for the recordings of my new Radio 4 series about feminism – Bridget Christie Minds the Gap. Apparently tickets go like hot cakes for all BBC recordings, so please get yours quickly. They are free, so you have no excuse. For my misogynist […]

Latest News – 5th January 2013

January 5th, 2013

Posted 12 years ago on January 5th, 2013

Hello dieters and self-flagellators – a happy new year to you! Here is some news for you all. Radio 4 have commissioned a four part series from me, all about women’s shit, which is my new thing. If you live in London, try and get free tickets to the recordings at the Radio Theatre in […]

Latest News – 14th November 2012

November 14th, 2012

Posted 12 years ago on November 14th, 2012

Dear Nadine Dorries LATEST NEWS I’m well over half way through the tour. Thanks to those who’ve come, and no thanks to those who haven’t. The shows have been fun. But there are no vegetables at motorway service stations which has made the tour unenjoyable. To be honest, I would rather have vegetables than audience […]

Latest News – 25th September 2012

September 25th, 2012

Posted 12 years ago on September 25th, 2012

Dear PLEBS So – I’ve done the first date of War Donkey and it inexplicably sold out – hurrah! However, before I rush off to buy a bigger house, I suspect this may have been a one-off. Please can you tell everyone you know to come to the shows! ESPECIALLY SOHO THEATRE 4TH-8TH DECEMBER, which […]