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Latest News – 14th November 2012

Posted 12 years ago on November 14th, 2012

Dear Nadine Dorries


I’m well over half way through the tour.

Thanks to those who’ve come, and no thanks to those who haven’t.

The shows have been fun. But there are no vegetables at motorway service stations which has made the tour unenjoyable. To be honest, I would rather have vegetables than audience members. Thanks for coming.

I still have some left up north – shows that is – not vegetables, and Swansea and Calstock, so book early to avoid forgetting to come – All info here.
Oh yes YOU MUST BOOK FOR SOHO THEATRE 4TH-8TH DECEMBER. I have to fill 5 nights.
Tell you friends and enemies! Tell all!

I’ve just filmed two little bits in Kevin Eldon’s BBC2 telly show. You will be delighted to see me in two very different costumes. That is all I will say on the matter.


I’ll be presenting Radio 4 Extra’s Comedy Club next week so listen out for me wittering on on that.


I continue to do the odd smattering of hand-picked gigs around town. Keep your eyes peeled for those.


I keep doing this weird thing of buying cheap jackets and coats, and then bringing them back to the shop. Does anyone know what this means?
